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acceptance of goods
receipt of goods, should check the packaging of goods is intact. check the crucible surface after unpacking for defects, cracks, check the coating for damage.
crucible handling
wrong practice:in the course of handling, the crucible is struck or rolled, and the glaze layer is destroyed.
right practice:you should use the cushion pad cart (or other appropriate handling tools) carefully handling the crucible.
in order to better protect the glaze layer of the crucible, you must be very careful when handling the crucible, to avoid them gently, beat, collision or falling phenomenon, not to the crucible across the ground rolling transportation. if the glaze layer is damaged, it will lead to oxidation and aging. you should use the cushion pad cart (or other appropriate handling tools) carefully handling the crucible.
wrong practice:
right practice:the crucible should be stored in a dry place, it is best to put on the wooden pallet; the crucible can be overlapped when upside down.
1.坩埚必须储存在干燥的环境中,是放在木托盘上,并保持通风;the crucible must be stored in a dry environment, it is best to put on the wooden pallet, and maintain ventilation;
2.坩埚倒过来放的时候可以重叠放置;when the crucible is turned upside down, it can overlap;
the crucible cannot be exposed to the humid environment, after absorbing the crucible, the glaze layer is easy to be peeled off in the preheating section of the crucible, so as to reduce the melting efficiency and the service life of the crucible, and even the bottom can fall off when the situation is serious.
gas stove, bio-particle furnace, oil furnace, coke oven, coal furnace crucible installation
wrong practice:the space left between the support brick and the crucible is too small, the crucible expansion will be blocked will crack.
right practice:insert a small piece of wood between the support brick and the crucible, and the wood burns away to leave enough clearance.
wrong practice:the top of the furnace is not completely sealed, and the top of the crucible is susceptible to oxygen oxidation, resulting in a vertical crack.
right practice:use heat insulation cotton to seal the furnace along.
first, before the crucible is installed, the inside of the furnace must be checked. the furnace wall and the bottom should be intact, must be dry, no metal or slag adhesion. it must be cleaned up if the furnace wall or bottom adhesion of cement or slag. otherwise, the advance of the flame will be hindered and the direction of the flame will be deflected, resulting in the local overheating of the crucible, oxidation or small hole on the crucible wall.
second, the bottom of the crucible support:
   1.安装坩埚时,坩埚的底部支撑必须使用表面平整的、足够大的圆柱形底座,底座的直径至少要与坩埚的底部相同,是略大2-3cm,且底座高度略高于出火口,从而防止火焰直接烧到坩埚底部。否则容易造成底部材料迅速被侵蚀,坩埚变成锥形,或由于坩埚底部受力不均而使坩埚开裂。install the crucible, crucible bottom supporting large enough of a cylindrical base must be used with smooth surface, and the base diameter of at least to the bottom of the crucible, preferably 2-3cm, and the base height is slightly higher than the outlet, thereby preventing direct flame burn at the bottom of the crucible. otherwise, it is easy to cause the bottom material to be eroded rapidly, and the crucible is tapered, or the crucible is cracked due to the uneven force at the bottom of the crucible.
in order to prevent the crucible from sticking to the base, a layer of isolation between the crucible and the base (e.g., fine sand or high temperature) can be provided.
3.在倾转炉中使用卡隼式底座时,必须保证底座的凸起和坩埚凹槽是互相匹配的。如果底座的凸起太高或者尺寸太大,坩埚底部会受到挤压,必然造成底部破裂,而且在倾倒后,坩埚不能被有效地固定。use a tenon type base in tilting converter, must ensure that the base bulge and the groove is matched in the crucible. if the height of the base is too high or the size is too large, the bottom of the crucible will be squeezed, and the bottom will be broken. after the dumping, the crucible cannot be effectively fixed.
when installing a tilting converter crucible with a long spout, a highly suitable base is provided and the crucible is secured to the support, and if the base is not properly supported, such a crucible will be "suspended" in the furnace only by the spout. so the crucible will break from the top.
third, the gap between crucible and support brick:
1.坩埚与支撑砖间的空隙太小,坩埚受热膨胀后会受阻裂开,可在坩埚和炉壁顶部支撑砖间直接放置可燃物(插入小木片或纸板),在坩埚加热后,可燃物会燃烧掉从而留下足够的空间。the gap between the crucible and the supporting brick is too small, after the expansion of the heated crucible will be blocked in the crack, crucible and furnace wall top supporting brick directly placing combustibles (insert the small pieces of wood or cardboard), in the crucible after heating, fuel burn down and leave enough space.
2.对于在侧面排废气的炉子,坩埚和炉壁之间可以用保温棉密封,然后用耐高温水泥固定。这样既可以防止因炉顶没有完全密封,而使坩埚顶部氧化而裂开,且在坩埚受热向上膨胀时不会受阻裂开。for exhaust gas in the side of the stove, crucible and furnace wall can be sealed with insulation cotton, and then fixed with high temperature cement. this prevents both the top of the crucible from being oxidized and cracked by the top of the crucible due to incomplete sealing of the furnace roof, and is prevented from cracking when the crucible is heated upwardly.
(注:建议使用炉沿盖来防止坩埚的氧化、顶部开裂和腐蚀。炉沿盖的内边要覆盖住坩埚内表面100mm处,能更好地避免坩埚受到外力撞击和被氧化。)(note: it is recommended to use the cover to prevent the oxidation of the crucible furnace top, cracking and corrosion. the inner side of the furnace cover is covered with the inner surface of the crucible 100mm, so as to avoid the impact of the external force and the oxidation of the crucible.)
in the tilting furnace, one or two supporting bricks should be positioned below the crucible at a height of half the crucible to hold the crucible below the spout. you should be placed between the crucible and support brick around 3 ~ 4cm high temperature cotton, in order to retain enough space to prevent the crucible expansion blocked.
installation of induction furnace crucible
1. the distance between the crucible and the induction coil is 8-10 cm (make sure the crucible is placed in the center of the induction coil).
2. 感应线圈上表面附着的杂质要清理干净。impurities on the surface of the induction coil should be cleaned up.
3. 炉底要用硬质耐火砖(好的耐火砖)垫平,所垫高度视坩埚与炉的高度而定。the bottom of the furnace should be made of hard refractory bricks (good refractory bricks), the height of which depends on the height of the crucible and the furnace.
4. 用优质的石棉布(厚2-3mm为好)贴附在感应线圈内侧,石棉布的上边应高于线圈,到平台口上。with high quality cotton cloth (thick 2-3mm as a good) attached to the induction coil inside, above the top of the stone cotton should be higher than the coil to the mouth of the platform.
5. 用于的石英砂(或莫来砂、耐火砂)放进坩埚与石棉布之间,一层层的夯实打起来。(注:用吸铁石吸一下石英砂中的杂质)quartz sand (or mullite sand, refractory sand) into the crucible and asbestos cloth between layers of compaction fight. (note: it is best to use a magnet to absorb the impurities in quartz sand)
6. 用水玻璃、粘土、石英砂等混合成的混合物把上口封好。
with water glass, clay, quartz sand and other mixture into the upper sealed.
   注:坩埚安装好开始用时,用小功率30-50kw烘炉,等坩埚暗红时增至100kw,之后再调至所需功率。note: the crucible installed began, with a small power 30-50kw oven, to 100kw when the crucible darkly red then to the required power.
note for installation of induction furnace crucible
1. 坩埚底要在第一线圈以上。the crucible bottom should be above the first coil.
2. 坩埚上口与炉的***上面炉板平行。the upper opening of the crucible is parallel to the uppermost furnace plate of the furnace.
3. 如坩埚与线圈的间距小了,可用水玻璃把石英砂搅湿(三分之一的水玻璃,三分之二的水,用手将拌湿的石英砂攥成团,一抖散开即可)填充,填充时一定要夯实。
if the distance between the crucible and the coil is small, the quartz sand can be filled with water glass to fill it, and it must be compacted when filling.(1/3 water glass, 2/3 water, hand mixing wet sand clenched into a group, a shaking spread)
4. 开始一定要小功率烘炉,如用大功率会击穿坩埚。be sure to start a small power oven, if the high-power will break through the crucible.
5. 中频感应炉的炉中间位置功率大,是熔化带,注意水循环的畅通。
medium frequency induction furnace has more power in the middle position, is the melting zone, and pay attention to the smooth flow of water.
the above information is for reference only.
preheating of crucible
the crucible is a ceramic product with a certain number of pores in the crucible wall and is easy to absorb moisture. therefore, the crucible must be preheated before the crucible is used for the first time under the conditions of none material to ensure that no moisture remains in the crucible wall. it is best to bake on the temperature of the furnace more than 24 hours, during which time, the crucible to turn a few times to make it evenly heated to remove the crucible wall of moisture (or the appropriate amount of wood placed in the crucible combustion 3 hour or so to achieve preheat effect), so as not to crucible heating too fast, resulting in thermal expansion of the crucible, there fell out, delaminating or burst.
note: moisture is generally 75 to 100 degrees when the fastest evaporation, so the temperature at this temperature must be slow; 2 hours later(depending on the crucible specific moisture situation within the appropriate extension of the warm-up time within 100 ℃) crucible preheated to 150 to 200 degrees and heat for one hour, then 150 degrees per hour temperature. oxidation not only shortens the life of the crucible due to the rapid oxidation of the crucible wall in the temperature range of 315-650 ° c, but also affects the serviceability due to the decrease of the thermal conductivity, so the crucible does not need to stay in this temperature range for too long.
the crucible, after the first warm-up, is usually used without continuous reheating unless the crucible is again exposed to a humid environment.
after the crucible is preheated, the operator needs to quickly raise the temperature to 850-950 ° c without heating the raw material, and keep the temperature for half an hour, and reduce to the normal operating temperature then add raw material. (heating the crucible above its normal operating temperature will prolong the service life of the crucible.) usually the crucible heated to 815 ~ 930 degrees, will help protect the crucible glaze, if possible, this high-temperature heating can be carried out once a week.
flame control
错误的做法:喷火嘴位置过高,火焰直接烧到坩埚而不是底座;火嘴位置没调整好,这造成火焰总是烧到坩埚的某一侧,从而使得该侧损坏。wrong practice: the position of the burner is too high, the flame is directly burned to the crucible instead of the base; the position of the fire mouth is not adjusted properly, which causes the flame to always burn to one side of the crucible, so that the side is damaged.
right practice: the flame first moves around the base and then rises around the crucible, adjusting the height of the flame, causing the flame to rotate around the crucible in tangential direction.
1. 火焰的高度与底座持平,沿底座的切线方向进入,先绕过底座,然后围绕坩埚盘旋上升。the height of the flame is preferably equal to the height of the base, along the tangential direction of the base, first around the base, and then around the crucible.
2. 为保护坩埚釉层,避免坩埚氧化,火焰应为轻微的氧化性气氛(燃油炉的火焰头部呈现淡绿色)。in order to protect the crucible glaze layer, to avoid oxidation of the crucible, the flame should be a slight oxidizing atmosphere (fuel burner flame head appears pale green).
3. 为保证坩埚整体的均匀加热,避免某个部位过热,应使用合适的燃烧器和燃烧喷嘴,且火力不能过大。to ensure uniform heating of the crucible as a whole, to avoid overheating of a part, use the appropriate burner and combustion nozzle, and the firepower cannot be too large.
crucible input material
错误的做法:冷的锭料水平的挤满在坩埚中,当加热熔解时,锭料膨胀会把坩埚挤破;当加料的方法不对时,坩埚的顶沿和侧壁容易受到损伤。wrong practice: the cold ingot is packed in the crucible, when the heating and melting, the ingot expansion will crush the crucible; when the method of adding raw materials is not right, the crucible of the top and sidewalls are susceptible to damage.
right practice: large pieces of ingot to be vertically into the crucible, to determine the ingot and crucible enough between the gap; with the clamp carefully put the ingot and the heavier material into the crucible.
一、坩埚放入炉内,是等自身红透,先放一点小型的金属碎料在坩埚底,待其熔化后,再放金属锭(金属锭下埚前必须放在炉沿边上烘烤),以免冷锭直接放进埚里,造成坩埚遇冷而炸裂。而且还必须保证这些材料在坩埚中受热时有足够的膨胀空间,否则坩埚容易被挤裂。putting the crucible into the furnace, it is best to wait for their own red, first put a little metal scrap in the bottom of the crucible, to be molten, then put the metal ingot (metal ingot before the furnace must be placed along the edge of the baking oven) , in order to avoid cold ingots directly into the crucible, causing the crucible cold and burst. and you must ensure that these materials in the crucible when heated enough expansion of space, or crucible easy to be cracked.
baking of the metal ingot must be slowly erected into the crucible. if placed sideways, the thermal expansion of the ingot tends to crush the crucible. care must be taken when pouring raw materials into the crucible. it is advisable to carefully place the ingot and heavier material into the crucible with clamps. do not use the dumping of the way to join the raw materials, ingot edges and corners may have cracked crucible.
三、使用过程中,埚里的金属水太少时,也不要一次加料太多,这样容易使埚内金属水遇冷而凝固,之后温度再次升高时,金属热膨胀而撑破坩埚。in the process, if the metal water in the crucible is too small, do not add too much raw material at one time, so that the metal water in the crucible will freeze and solidify, and then the temperature will rise again and the metal will expand and break the crucible.
the use of additives
wrong practice: incorrect addition of flux can damage the crucible; too much flux shortens the life of the crucible.
right practice: use the flux in the correct way; use the flux exactly as specified.
additives must be added in exactly the specified amount, and excess additives will shorten the life of the crucible.
2. 添加剂不能放入空坩埚或固体金属中,应该在金属完全熔化后再加入到金属液中间位置,并缓慢均匀的搅动,避免添加剂直接接触坩埚体。additives must not be placed in empty crucibles or solid metal, should be completely melted in the metal and then added to the middle of the liquid metal position, and slow and even stirring, to avoid direct contact of the additive with the crucible body.
3. 加入片状或块状添加剂时应使用钟罩将其浸入金属溶液中。
use a bell jar to immerse them in a metal solution when adding flake or block additives.
gripping of the crucible
wrong practice: if the size of the crucible clamp is too small, when the crucible is gripped, the appearance of the crucible will be dented. when the crucible is taken out of the furnace, the position of the crucible clamp is too close, and the crucible can be crushed easily.
right practice: crucible clamp size must be matched with the crucible; crucible clamp to take the middle part of the lower crucible position, so that the crucible force evenly.
1. 坩埚夹钳的尺寸必须和坩埚大小相匹配,且夹钳内部必须全部接触坩埚the size of the crucible clamp must match the size of the crucible, and the inside of the clamp must be in full contact with the crucible.
2. 夹钳在夹取坩埚过程中把柄不能对坩埚的上沿有挤压,the handle cannot squeeze the upper edge of the crucible during gripping of the crucible.
3. 夹钳夹取坩埚的中部偏下位置,使整个坩埚受力均匀。clamps take the crucible in the middle of the lower position, so that the crucible force evenly.
  以上几点如不注意,容易过早的损坏坩埚或造成安全事故if you don't pay attention to the above points, it is easy to damage the crucible or cause safety accident too early
坩埚的除渣slag removal of crucible
wrong practice: residual additives in the crucible will penetrate the crucible wall to etch the crucible, thus shortening the life of the crucible.
right practice: it is necessary to adhere to a daily shovel with a flat steel shovel, carefully scraping the crucible wall residues.
in the smelting process, the additives and metal impurities in the solution will form a slag, attached to the crucible wall, because the slag contains additives. it will corrode the crucible wall, so it should insist on a day to remove the slag.
clearing slag should use special tools, slag has not yet solidified in time to clear, and solidified slag will be difficult to remove.
2)清除熔渣时应避免刮伤坩埚壁。avoid scrape the crucible walls when removing slag.
3)当多层熔渣凝固残留在坩埚壁上时,会侵蚀坩埚,影响导热性能,再次加热膨胀时还会引起坩埚开裂,从而缩短坩埚使用寿命。when the multi-layer slag solidification residue in the crucible wall, it will erode the crucible, affecting thermal conductivity, heating and expansion will also cause the crucible cracking, thereby shortening the crucible life.
empty the crucible
wrong practice: the hot crucible hanging out of the furnace is put on the sand. sand glaze layer and crucible has reaction, formation of slag. after the crucible is stopped, the residual liquid will be solidified in the crucible, the metal expands when it is heated next time.
right practice: hot crucible hanging out of the oven should be placed on high-temperature plate, or hanging in the running tools; as the furnace or other problems caused by production interruption, the metal liquid should be poured into the mold to form ingots(preferably a small ingot mold). because the small ingot can be more easily re-use.
1. 热坩埚吊出炉后应放在耐高温板上,或者悬在转运工具上。不可直接放在砂子上,否则砂子会和坩埚的釉层一起反应,生成炉渣。hot crucible hanging out of the oven should be placed on high-temperature resistant plate, or hanging on the transport tool. don’t put directly on the sand, or sand and crucible glaze layer will react to generate slag.
2. 坩埚停炉后,要把坩埚内金属液体倾倒干净,并进行除渣清洁。切莫让金属液体凝固在坩埚中,否则在下次加热使用时,金属膨胀会把坩埚撑破,有时甚至把坩埚底部整个撑掉。
after the crucible is stopped, it is necessary to pour the metal liquid out of the crucible and clean it. don’t let the molten metal in the crucible, or in the next heating use, the metal expansion will be broken, and sometimes even the entire crucible bottom.
3. 如因某种原因生产中断,金属液体应倒入模具(是小锭料模具)中形成锭料,方便下次使用。if for some reason the production is interrupted, the metal liquid should be poured into the mold (preferably a small ingot mold) to form the ingot for subsequent use.
choose the appropriate crucible according to the different melting metal and different furnace type.

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