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河南长丝机织土工布厂家价格 热销的反滤土工布作用与用途

2020/1/5 11:06:45发布146次查看
长丝机织土工布厂家价格 热销的反滤土工布作用与用途
1、 用人工滚铺,布面要平整,并适当留有变形余量。
2、 长丝或短丝土工布的安装通常用搭接、缝合和焊接几种方法。缝合和焊接的宽度一般为0.1m以上,搭接宽度一般为0.2m以上。可能长期外露的土工布,则应焊接或缝合。
3、 土工布的缝合:所有的缝合必须要连续进行(例如,点缝是不允许的)。缝好的土工布接缝最包括1行有线锁口链形缝法。用于缝合的线应为最小张力超过60n的树脂材料,并有与土工布相当或超出的抗化学腐蚀和抗紫外线能力。
4 、在施工中,土工膜上面的土工布采用自然搭接,土工膜上层土工布采用缝接或热风焊接。热风焊接是的长丝土工布的连接方法,即用热风对两片布的连接瞬间高温加热,使其部分达到融熔状态,并立即使用一定的外力使其牢牢地粘合在一起。
5、 对于缝接,要采用质量与土工布相同的缝合线,缝合线要采用抗化学破坏和紫外光照射能力更强的材质。
6 、土工布铺设完毕由现场监理工程师认可后铺设土工膜。
7、 土工膜上土工布是在土工膜由甲方、监理认可后同上进行铺设。
8、 各层的土工布相庆的编号为tn、bn。
9 、膜上下两层土工布在有锚固槽的部位都应与土工膜一同埋入锚固槽内。
一、针刺无纺土工布,规格100g/m2-600g/m2之间任意选择,主要原材料是采用涤纶短纤或丙纶短纤,通过针刺法制成,主要用途是:江、海、 湖河堤的护坡,围海造田、码头、船闸防汛抢险等工程,是通过返滤起到水土保持和防止管涌的有效途径。
filament woven geotextile manufacturers selling price of the role and use of geotextile filtration through hrh introduce you laying geotextile: 1, artificial roll shop, to smooth cloth, and appropriate modification left margin. 2, filaments or staple fiber geotextile installation usually overlapping, stapling and welding in several ways. stapling and welding the width is generally 0.1m or more and 0.2m or more lap width is generally. possible long-term exposure of geotextile should be welded or stitched. 3, the geotextile suture: suturing must all be contiguous (e.g., seam point is not allowed). most sewn seams geotextile comprising a wired line-shaped locking chain stitches. line should be a minimum for suturing tension exceeds 60n resin material, and has chemical resistance and uv resistance and considerable geotextile or exceeded. 4, in the construction, the upper geomembrane geotextile natural overlap, the upper geomembrane or geotextile hot air welding seam. connection method is hot air welding filament geotextile, i.e., heating with hot air connected to the two instantaneous high temperature cloth, to partially achieve molten state, and immediately a certain force so firmly bonded together. 5, for the sewing, to use the same quality and geotextile suture, a suture to be used more resistant to chemical attack and uv radiation capacity of the material. 6, geotextile has been laid by the on-site supervising engineer approved after the laying of geomembrane. 7, the geomembrane geotextile is that after the supervision recognized by the party above laying geomembrane. 8, each layer of geotextile celebrated numbered tn, bn. 9, two layers of geotextile membrane should be buried together with geomembrane anchoring groove in the anchoring portion has a groove. after the laying of geotextile, also need to be checked regularly, and if the check cracks remedial work is required. specific self-test and repair steps are as follows: a, must check all of the geotextile sheet and the slit. defective geotextile sheet stapling and must be clearly marked on the geotextile and make repair. b, must be repaired by laying geotextile wear and thermal connection geotextile die, die geotextile edge defects in each direction than the minimum length of 200mm. thermal connection must be strictly controlled to ensure the close integration of geotextile patch and geotextiles, geotextile and no damage. where c, a day before the end of the laying of the laying of geotextile surface all day to visually identify all the damage already be marked and repaired immediately, laying the surface is not possible to determine the damage caused by foreign substances, such as fine needle, a small iron nails and so on. d, repair damage geotextile should meet the following technical requirements: e, to fill up cracks or holes in the patch material should be uniform and geotextiles. f, the patch should extend to the damaged outer geotextile range of at least 30 cm. g, in the bottom of the landfill, if the gap geotextile web width of more than 10%, the damaged portion shall cut, and then connect the two geotextiles; if on the slope, a gap of more than 10% of the width of the web shall be the geotextile fabric roll is removed and replaced with a new roll. h, work shoes worn by construction workers used construction equipment should not damage geotextile, construction workers might not hurt to do something geotextile has been laid on geotextile, geotextiles such as smoking or poke with a sharp tool and so on. i, for safety geotextile materials, packaging films should open before laying geotextile, i.e. a roll shop, open roll. appearance and quality inspection. j, in particular, pointed out: after the geotextile to the site to timely acceptance, visa recognized amount. to strictly implement the company's geotextile construction and acceptance. henry pass filter having a geotextile, drainage, isolation, reinforced, protective effect, with a light weight, high tensile strength, permeability, temperature, anti-freezing, anti-aging, anti-corrosion properties. application of geosynthetics originated in the 1950's, the domestic geotextile is one of eighty-five plan, china promulgated the geosynthetics acupuncture staple non-woven geotextile in 1998 (gb / t17638- 1998) standard, geotextile has been widely applied in many fields. there are three main geotextile series: a needle non-woven geotextile, arbitrarily selected between specifications 100g / m2-600g / m2, the main raw material is the use of polypropylene or polyester staple fiber staple by needle punching method, mainly uses are: river, sea, lake embankment slope protection, land reclamation, docks, locks and other flood control projects, is played by returning filtered water and soil conservation and effective way to prevent the piping. second, needlepunched nonwovens geotextile and pe film, a film of a cloth specification, a film two cloth, width 4.2 m is to use a main raw material needled nonwoven polyester staple fiber, by pe film composite, the main purpose is impermeable for railways, highways, tunnels, subways, airports and other projects. third, non-woven and woven composite geotextile, a variety of non-woven polypropylene filament yarn and woven composite, non-woven and woven plastic composites for strengthening the foundation, adjust the permeability coefficient of foundation engineering facilities.



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